PRP therapy in Kettering is an advanced, innovative anti-ageing and hair loss treatment. It is revolutionary in that it harnesses the healing power within your own blood which contains potent growth factors, compounds and nutrients. When PRP is harvested from blood and re-injected into targeted treatment areas, growth factors are released which trigger new cell production. It is effective for treating hair loss especially male and female pattern HAIR LOSS When used in the face (known as the “Vampire Facial”), it stimulates repair to firm up and rejuvenate your skin.*

Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) works on the basis that the body has healing powers potent enough to improve the signs of ageing and hair growth. At AB BEAUTY&HAIR , I carry out this treatment by taking a small blood sample.

This is then spun in a centrifuge machine that separates the blood cells, serum and platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is extracted and injected directly back into the face or scalp. PRP Platelets release growth factors that help the body repair itself by stimulating cells to generate new tissue. When injected into the skin, this treatment promotes healthy skin and hair growth, and has been shown to be effective at improving fine lines, skin tone and dull skin. When injected into the scalp area, this treatment promotes new cell growth, and is effective at improving hair growth for certain HAIR CONDITIONS. This treatment is ideal for those who want to improve hair growth without taking or using any medications.

PRP hair treatment in AB Beauty&Hair is minimally invasive and involves no downtime.

Results may take a few weeks to develop after 3-6 monthly treatments, and can be maintained with treatments every 3 to 6 months.

  1. A natural therapy that uses platelets from your own blood to rejuvenate skin and stimulate hair growth
  2. Effective for treating fine lines, dull skin and hair loss*
  3. Triggers new cell and collagen production
  4. Minimal downtime
  5. Minimally invasive




It should come as no surprise that PRP is fast becoming the go-to treatment for skin rejuvenation, improvement and repair. Scientifically proven to be both natural and safe, this procedure provides total rejuvenation to any area of skin you’d like to give a top-up. The process stimulates collagen production, which leads to a clearer, rehydrated and revitalised complexion – even after just one treatment! The majority of people opt to have several sessions however, in order to achieve optimum results. This amazing cosmetic treatment is truly revolutionary; not only does it tackle those delicate or difficult-to-reach areas but its revival effects also extend further into improving the overall health and beauty of your skin.

Is the treatment painful?

Having PRP injections does involve some level of discomfort as with most injectables. To minimise this, we apply a topical anaesthetic to the areas intended for treatment.

Following the procedure you may experience some tenderness to the area however, you should be able to get back to your normal daily activities.

Is PRP treatment safe?

PRP has been proven to be one of the safest methods for hair restoration as your own blood components are used in the procedure, therefore it is a natural treatment and there is no risk of an allergic reaction and so far no adverse side effects have been reported.

Can I wash my Hair?

We advise patients not to wash their hair 24 hours prior to a treatment. Following this normal haircare can continue.

When can I expect to see some hair growth?

You should begin to notice hair growth at around week 6 of the treatment.

Can I color my hair?

Yes you can continue to colour your hair as normal

What are the side effect of PRP?

A PRP injection is a low-risk procedure and usually does not cause major side effects. PRP is naturally generated from your own blood cells, and as such any side effects would stem from the injection itself and not the contents of the PRP injection. Possible side effects may include minor swelling or bruising on the injection site

AB Beauty&Hair

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